“When will we be able to worship together again in our building? When will our building open?” If you’ve had those thoughts, you’re not alone. These are important questions that impact all of us around the state of Washington, the US, and believers around the world. 

Here are some guiding values I want you to know that are informing our decisions as we move forward:
 New Life has never closed. We don’t feel pressured to “reopen” because we’ve never been more open than we are right now.
* We’ve been doing more ministry during this time than arguably any other time in our history.
* We’re reaching and engaging more people than ever before.
* People are joining us for the first time. Barriers have never been lower.
* The gospel is being preached.
* People are responding to Jesus.
* People are saying YES to Jesus and taking their next steps by engaging and going through the online Growth Track
* Kids are a top priority for us. Kids do not know how to social distance.
* Our onsite experience on Sunday mornings is designed around community. Community is hard when you are distant from people.
* We won't rush re-entry and hurt our witness to our neighbors and communities. 
* Any plans we make will remain fluid as things change each week, so we will remain agile and flexible. 

Three phases to re-entry onsite:
Phase One:  Continue to stay engaged online during Weekend Services and Groups over zoom 
Phase Two:  Encourage Groups to gather in living rooms as social distancing restrictions ease and meet with us onsite with our DRIVE IN service and IN THE BUILDING ONCE A MONTH
Phase Three:  We will resume onsite weekend experiences weekly 

In these uncertain times, decisions like this are never easy to make, and certainly God may lead other churches differently than we sense He’s leading us, and we will learn from each other.  But here’s one thing I’m absolutely certain of - my love and appreciation for you has never been deeper and I consider it one of the greatest honors of my life to be your pastor, especially now. I miss you and can’t wait until the time we regather physically, but until then, we will keep being the church online and in our communities pursuing God, building community, and unleashing compassion.

Love you all, 
Jeff Fullmer
Take Our Re-Entry To Onsite Survey
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